Why join our CPD courses?
Personal and professional development helps manage your own learning and growth throughout your career. Continuous learning helps open up new doors, keeps your skills and knowledge up to date and ensures you practice safely and legally.
Online Interactive user-friendly course
Course accredited by qualified professionals
Immediate certificate with instant download
24 hours course access, 365 days of the year
Multiple choice exam with an 70% pass mark
Unlimited exam retakes at no extra cost
Exam Type: Online Multiple-Choice Assessment
Exam Included: Exam Is Included in The Price
Exam Retakes: Unlimited Retakes at No Extra Cost
Education Is a Lifelong Currency and Gives You a Better Communication Circle and Reveals Your True Talents.
Education helps enhance people’s skills and knowledge and helps boost people’s self-confidence.
It helps to start or improve your career. Our Recognised CPD Accredited Courses will help you gain new skills and enhance your CV to submit the certificate to your present or recent employers.
What are CPD and the benefits of CPD?
1. CPD – Continuing Professional Development.
2. Gain new skills
3. Improve job prospects
4. Enhance employment opportunities
5. Improve career satisfaction
6. Tracks prior learning
7. Up to date with your job requirements
8. Enhance your CV/Profile
9. Help led the way to further education
10. Dedicates Commitment and value
11. Helps increase your chances of getting a good job.
12. Helps improve your ability to learn new things.
13. Helps people hone their leadership skills.
14. CPD helps you continue to make a meaningful contribution to your team
15. You become more effective in the workplace
16. This assists you to advance in your career and move into new positions where you can lead, manage, influence, coach and mentor others.
17. It is a Worthy Investment
How do CPD points, units and credits relate to CPD Hours?
It is considered across all industries that CPD points, units and credits all relate to the same thing, CPD Hours. What are CPD Hours? The definition of CPD Hours is the time spent for a delegate to be in “active learning”. Active learning defines the actual time spent learning something relevant for their Continuing Professional Development objectives. A great example of this would be 1-day accredited CPD training course. If the training starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm, with a 1-hour break for lunch, the CPD Hours would be 7 CPD Hours.
For added information, it is estimated that 95% of all professional bodies use CPD Hours as their Continuing Professional Development measure and that where the terms CPD points, units or credits are used, these are in a typical 1:1 ratio with CPD Hours. By this, it is meant that typically 1 CPD point equals 1 CPD Hour.
How is the Course Format?
The course is delivered online via our bespoke e-learning portal, Learning Management Systems (LMS) Online e-Learning Systems.
What Support will I get ?
It’s good to know help is at hand.
We take pride in our customer service, offering dedicated support offering you unlimited online email. support whilst studying to help answer any questions you may have.
When can I Start?
Start immediately after you purchased online
How can I pay?
You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety.
How long after payment can I begin the course?
You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.
Where / when can I study the course?
You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!
What is the pass mark for the test?
The pass mark for the test is 70%.
What happens if I fail the test?
If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.
When will I receive my certificate?
Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).
Does this CPD recognised?
It is a Recognised CPD Qualifications
What is the care certificate qualification?
Our care courses help you to learn new skills in specific areas of study. Care Certificate launching on 1 April 2015.All new healthcare assistants and social care support workers will be expected to get a Care Certificate within 12 weeks of employment.
The Care Certificate assesses the fundamental skills, knowledge and behaviours that are required to provide safe, effective and compassionate care. It will be awarded to staff in health and care roles who can demonstrate that they meet each of the 15 Care Certificate standards
STANDARD 1 Understand your role
STANDARD 2 Your personal development
STANDARD 3 Duty of care
STANDARD 4 Equality and diversity
STANDARD 5 Person centred values
STANDARD 6 Communication
STANDARD 7 Privacy and dignity
STANDARD 8 Fluids and nutrition
STANDARD 9 Mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
STANDARD 10 Safeguarding adults
STANDARD 11 Safeguarding children
STANDARD 12 Basic life support
STANDARD 13 Health and safety
STANDARD 14 Handling information
STANDARD 15 Infection prevention and control
CPD Explained
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. CPD is a holistic approach towards the enhancement of personal skills and proficiency throughout a professional’s career.
Engaging in CPD activities ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become outdated or obsolete, and allows for individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’ themselves regardless of their occupation, age or educational level.
Continuing Professional Development is an ongoing process of frequently improving skills and competencies to enhance workplace performance and future career prospects.
What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development is a commitment to ongoing lifelong learning. CPD encourages looking forward and identifying opportunities to learn something new, refresh existing knowledge, improve skills, or simply keep up-to-date with the latest developments within a particular profession or industry.
In practice, CPD can mean everything from taking a training course or attending an educational event, to studying for new qualifications or learning new aspects of a job.
Continuing Professional Development enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive. It involves an individual documenting and keeping a record of the increasing skills, knowledge and experience they gain throughout their career.
CPD combines different methodologies to learning, which includes training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and events, webinars and online eLearning programs. CPD can also include sharing best practice techniques, thoughts and ideas, all focused towards an individual improving within the work environment.
What is a CPD record / portfolio?
A CPD record helps keep a track of your learning progression from year to year. It is an individual’s evidential documentation of their Continuing Professional Development obligations for their professional body or association. Contained within a CPD record would be the register of learning activities, such as training courses, workshops and educational events attended, the number of CPD hours / points the individual has completed for any given year, as well as a copy of the delegate CPD certificates for each activity. These CPD delegate certificates act as validation that the learning has been attended and completed.
Professional bodies review their members CPD portfolio to ensure they are meeting their annual Continuing Professional Development hours or points requirements. A CPD portfolio should demonstrate a range of different methods of learning and the different impacts on future capability. Always ensure that you keep your CPD portfolio up to date, as it is more difficult to record CPD at the end of the year, hoping to remember everything completed over the last 12 months.
What are CPD points, units and credits?
One of the most frequent questions about Continuing Professional Development is how CPD is recorded, and specifically “What are CPD points, units or credits?” and, “How do CPD points relate to CPD Hours?” With the increasing number of professional bodies in the UK and their varying annual requirements of Continuing Professional Development, a natural split in common language terms and expression has arisen. Different professional bodies use the terms ‘CPD hours’, ‘CPD points’, ‘units’ or ‘credits’ depending on preference, typically for historical reasons when initially implementing their Continuing Professional Development policy, rather than from any modern day strategic perspective.