Showing 25–48 of 779 results

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Absence Management Certification

Absence Management Certification Occasional employee absence is unavoidable, but frequent absence comes at a considerable cost to an organisation. Absent

Achieving Sales on the Telephone Certification

Achieving Sales on the Telephone Certification This detailed and interesting course is ideal for any employees in your organisation who

ADHD Awareness Certification

ADHD Awareness Certification This comprehensive course, covering ADHD will equip the learner with all of the knowledge and skills that

Admin, PA and Secretarial Certification

Admin, PA and Secretarial This course is a guide for those interested in working as any kind of administrator in

Adobe Illustrator Certification Level 1

Adobe Illustrator Certification Adobe Illustrator is a flexible and user-friendly new software that allows you to create attractive designs and

Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Certification

Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Course Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a popular therapy paradigm that is used in the

Advanced English Spelling Certification

Advanced English Spelling Certificate Good spelling skills are essential in every professional environment. They help you to clearly communicate complex

Advertising and Marketing Certification Level 2

Advertising and Marketing Certification Level 2 If you have individuals in your organisation who are responsible for the advertising and

Affiliate Marketing Certification

Affiliate Marketing Certification Affiliate marketing is becoming increasingly popular as an interesting way to earn revenue. Affiliate marketing refers to

Agenda Setting Certification

Agenda Setting Certification An agenda is essentially a meeting plan that outlines key items and topics to be discussed, and

Alcohol at Work Awareness Certification

Alcohol at Work Awareness Certification Alcohol is not harmful when consumed in moderation, but the effects of alcohol abuse and

Anger Management Certification

Anger Management Certification Anger is a normal and sometimes useful emotion, but excessive anger can have serious personal and professional

Animal Physiotherapy Certification

Animal Physiotherapy Our pets are often one of the biggest sources of joy in our lives. With their boundless energy,

Anti-Bullying and Bullying Prevention Certification

Anti-Bullying and Bullying Prevention Diploma The Anti-Bullying and Bullying Prevention Diploma course provides a general overview on the topic of

Anxiety Awareness Certification

Anxiety Awareness Certification This interesting and all-encompassing course aims to introduce students to the causes, symptoms and treatments of the

Applying for Alcohol Licensing Certification

Applying for Alcohol Licensing Alcohol licences are a legal requirement for all situations where alcohol is provided, and failure to

Art Therapy Certification

Art Therapy Certification Traditional talking therapies are often effective, but they do not meet the needs of all clients. Art