Showing 769–780 of 842 results

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The Complete Digital Art Tools Diploma

Original price was: £350.00.Current price is: £199.00.

The Dangers of Construction Dust Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Dangers of Construction Dust Certification Construction dust is not merely a nuisance in the workplace – it can also

The Dangers of Texting While Walking Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Dangers of Texting While Walking Certification The implications that texting while walking may cause are often overlooked; we all

The Effective Secretary Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Effective Secretary Secretaries are an integral part of any team. What once started as a simple role of keeping

The Financial Services and Markets Act Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Financial Services and Markets Act Finance is key to economic development. It provides an investment basis and supports the

The Four Ps of Marketing Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Four Ps of Marketing Certification Successful marketing is an art form and it can take years to fully appreciate

The Freedom of Information Act Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Freedom of Information Act Certification The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) ensures that public bodies and organisations uphold

The General Data Protection Regulation Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The General Data Protection Regulation The GDPR still applies to the UK despite having now left the EU. The General

The HMT Sanctions List Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
THE HMT SANCTIONS LIST & CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION HM Treasury maintains comprehensive records of all persons and entities currently subject to

The Human Element of Fraud Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Human Element of Fraud Certification Fraud can occur in any sector and it is important that employers and workers

The Importance of Ethics Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Importance of Ethics Certification Imagine a world where there was no right or wrong – one where everyone makes

The Key Stages of the National Curriculum Certification

Original price was: £99.00.Current price is: £45.00.
The Key Stages of the National Curriculum Certification The National Curriculum is a complex document, setting out how the education